The 2023 Sixth China International Photovoltaic Industry Conference was grandly held

2023-11-16 09:36

About Industry News

Heading towards a new dual-carbon era, empowering a new green future

Gao Yunlong, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, said in a video speech that on the third anniversary of the "dual carbon" goal, the conference focused on the theme of "Dual Carbon New Era and Green New Future" to seek new opportunities for the dual carbon strategy and share photovoltaic development. New achievements, discussing new green and low-carbon prospects.

Three suggestions are proposed: First, seize the opportunities of the times, fully unleash the strong driving force of green development, and play a greater role in optimizing the energy structure, ensuring energy security, and stabilizing economic growth; second, adhere to the innovation-driven approach and continuously stimulate the abundant energy of high-quality development. Vitality, accelerate the creation of the source of original technology, and promote the digital and intelligent development of industries; third, adhere to the concept of openness, build world-class hard core capabilities, actively participate in international cooperation and competition, and maintain world energy security, promote global energy transformation and Establish Chinese brands and make Chinese contributions in promoting sustainable development.

International Photovoltaic Industry

Dual carbon plan


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