Photovoltaic sector is experiencing a surge. JA Technology and other stocks have hit their daily limits. Has the bottom of the industry been reached?

2023-12-29 14:32

On December 28, the A-share new energy market rose collectively, with the photovoltaic sector performing very well. As of the close, Canadian Solar (688472.SH), King Kong Photovoltaics (300093.SZ), Kuai Ke Electronics (301278.SZ), Qingyuan Technology (603628.SH), Saiwu Technology (603212.SH), Jinchen Technology (603396.SH), Longi Green Energy (601012.SH), Aixu Technology (600732.SH), JA Solar Technology (002459.SZ), Junda Technology (002865.SZ), Yi Jing Optoelectronics (600537.SH) , Haiyou New Materials (688680.SH) and other stocks all hit the limit, Ainengju (834770.BJ) rose by more than 25%, Haitai New Energy (835985.BJ), Tongling Shares (301168.SZ), Mingguan New Materials (688560.SH) and other stocks rose more than 15%.

However, many industry insiders analyzed to Jiemian News reporters that the bottom of the photovoltaic industry has not really arrived yet, and the current response of the secondary market is better than the actual performance of the industry.

"Currently, some large photovoltaic manufacturers are using this stage to carry out equipment transformation, 

upgrading and replacement. The industry reshuffle will actually make the strong stay strong, and the eliminated 

small and medium-sized enterprises will inevitably become victims of industry development." Qi Haikun Said, 

"The current price of photovoltaic panels is less than one yuan, and there is a possibility of inertial decline in the future, 

but it is not sustainable. It is expected that after the reshuffle in the first half of next year, the photovoltaic industry 

will continue to improve in the second half of next year .”

Hou Bing, a photovoltaic investment professional, believes that the current photovoltaic industry's profitability 

has clearly not bottomed out, but there is no need to be too pessimistic about the problem of overcapacity. 

For photovoltaic equipment companies, the short term may be the high point of industry growth, and some 

of their needs may be delayed or even cancelled. The surge in demand for equipment caused by disorderly 

expansion may be corrected later. However, it is only a matter of time that companies with advantageous 

industrial chains and profit models will return to their original positions.

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