Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Four tasks promote the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry

2023-12-21 10:58

Director Jin Lei said in his speech that 2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and is also a critical year for the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan". The entire photovoltaic industry in China will be based on a good foundation, further accelerate innovation and Excellent results were achieved. From January to October 2023, the country's silicon materials, silicon wafers, cells, and components have maintained a growth of more than 70%. Among them, 1.13 million tons of silicon materials and 403.8GW of cells have exceeded the levels of last year; domestic new The installed capacity exceeded 142.56GW, and the year-on-year growth created a new growth rate.

Director Jin Lei emphasized that in the next step, the Electronics Department of the Ministry of Industry 

and Information Technology will thoroughly implement the spirit of the central government, continue to

promote the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry, and focus on the following fouraspects:

The first is to work hard on overall layout and policy implementation. Release a new version of the 

"Standardized Conditions for the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry", improve relevant technical index 

requirements, thoroughly implement the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Energy 

Electronics Industry", promote the integrated development of optics, storage, terminals and information, and 

expand the application of the industry.

The second is to work hard to promote industrial innovation and technological research. Continue to 

implement the "Smart Photovoltaic Industry Innovation and Development Action Plan (2021-2025)", 

continuously improve the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, strengthen forward-looking 

layout, and accelerate the capacity building of the common foundation of the photovoltaic industry.

The third is to work hard to strengthen industry self-discipline and supporting construction. Guide the 

orderly layout of the industry, combine industry normative conditions, industry self-discipline conventions 

and related standards, speed up random inspections of photovoltaic products, and promote product quality improvement.

Fourth, efforts should be made to deepen international cooperation and mechanism building. It is 

necessary to implement the "Belt and Road" initiative, build a photovoltaic docking cooperation platform, 

and support the expansion of new models of international cooperation.

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