New ideas, new thinking, new models! Comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the photovoltaic equipment recycling industry

2024-02-27 14:16

In order to promote the green, low-carbon and sustainable development of the photovoltaic industry, 

it is jointly sponsored by the Photovoltaic Recycling Industry Development Cooperation Center of the 

Photovoltaic Special Committee of the China Green Supply Chain Alliance, the State Power Investment 

Group Upper Yellow River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., and the Jiaxing High-tech Industrial 

Development Zone Management Committee , the "Photovoltaic Recycling Industry Development 

Cooperation Center 2024 Annual Meeting and the 6th Photovoltaic Equipment Recycling and Recycling 

Technology Forum" hosted by Shanghai Haiyouwei New Materials Co., Ltd. was grandly held in Xiuzhou, 

Jiaxing on February 26, 2024, online There are nearly 20,000 viewers online.

As the "first gathering of the year" for the photovoltaic industry in the Year of the Dragon, this 

conference gathered big names, including representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Information 

Technology, China Green Supply Chain Alliance and industry associations, local government representatives, 

and the board of directors of the Photovoltaic Recycling Industry Development Cooperation Center More 

than 200 people, including representatives from units and member units, representatives from research 

institutions, investment and financing institutions, media, and industry guests, gathered together to discuss 

the development of the photovoltaic component recycling industry and develop new concepts, new thinking, 

and new models for the recovery and recycling of photovoltaic equipment. , the new plan was fully discussed.

Then, the 2023 "Photovoltaic Recycling and Recycling" Outstanding Groups and Elites Award Ceremony was held grandly. The winners of the three honors for elite figures will be commended.

Photovoltaic equipment

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